Professor, Department of Anthropology San Jose State University National Fellow, The Explorers Club Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology, Ex-Officio 2020 College of Social Science Warburton Award of Merit for Research.
Dr. Meniketti is an Anthropological Archaeologist with scholarly training in Historical, Industrial and Nautical archaeology. He has broad interests ranging from the age of exploration to colonial and industrial development, which are approached from world-systems perspective. Dr. Meniketti's focus is on diasporic populations, immigration, and identity formation among marginalized communities, particularly in the Caribbean. Current projects include investigation of maritime slave communities and the ethnicity of exploration. He is also an educator with extensive experience teaching at several levels.
Select Publications 2020 A Caribbean Context for the World-System: A Case Study in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Economic and Social Interdependency. In The Colonial Landscape of the British Caribbean, edited by Roger and Pamela Leech. Boydell and Brewer Inc., UK. 2020 The Wreck of The Galleon San Agustin. A Case Study in Economics, Exploration, and European Development of the Pacific Rim. In American Galleons of the Pacific, edited by Scott Williams. Springer Press.
2020 “Industrial Development and Capitalism on a West Indies Sugar Estate: A Case Study of the Bush Hill Plantation.” Historical Archaeology 53(3): 212-239.
2019 The Design Legacy of Laborer’s Housing in the Vernacular Architecture on Nevis. In House, Garden, Yard. A Study of Housing for Enslaved Populations in the Caribbean. Elizabeth Clay and James Delle, ed. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2019 Defining Maritime Cultural Landscapes in California. A. Gusick,T. Dodds, D. Jaffke, M. Meniketti, and D. Ball. California Archaeology 11(2): 139-164.
2019 “Timber, Rail, and Sail. The Loma Prieta Mill Project.” Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.42(2):35-54.
2016 Dimensions of Space and Identity in an Emancipation-Era Village. In Archaeologies of Slavery and Freedom in the Caribbean, edited by Lynsey Bates, John, Chenoweth and James Delle, pp 183-206. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
2015 Sugar Cane Capitalism and Environmental Transformation. An Archaeology of Nevis, West Indies. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
2015 Nevis. Encyclopedia of Caribbean Archaeology. Basil Reid and Grant Gilmore III editors. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
2008 Boundaries, Borders, and Reference Points: The Caribbean Defined as Geographic Region and Social Reality. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 13(1): 45-62
2006 [2008] "Sugar Mills, Technology, and Environmental Change: A Case Study of Colonial Agro-Industrial Development in the Caribbean." Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology 32(1): 53-80
2001 “Shipwrecks in the Classroom: Plan for a Simulated Excavation.” History Beneath the Sea. Society for American Archaeology Publications in Education. KC Smith and Amy Douglass, eds. (Washington D.C.) pp21-25.
2000 “Post Colonial Transformation and Invention of Cultural Identity on Nevis, West Indies.” The Journal of Imperial and Postcolonial Historic Studies 1(1):139-163.
Presentations 2020“The Archaeology of Pivotal Places: The Structuring of Habitual Landscape and the Bush Hill Plantation.” The Society for Historical Archaeology Conference, Boston, MA.
2019“Immigrant Labor in Early California Timber Industry: A Case Study from the Loma Prieta Mill.” Society for California Archaeology Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA. Supported by RSCA Travel Grant. 2018“Laboring on the Edge: The Loma Prieta Mill and the Timber Industry in Nineteenth Century California.” Society for Historical Archaeology Conference, New Orleans.
2007 "Iron Cauldrons and Consumer Ceramics: Material Culture and Material Behavior on a West Indian Sugar Plantation." Annual conference for the Southwestern Anthropological Association, Sacramento, CA.
2007 "Peripheral Relations: Maritime Links Joining the Caribbean and North America During early Colonialism." Symposium Organizer/Chair; Borders Without Boundaries: maritime Links Between the Caribbean and North American Colonies in the Chain of Commerce. Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
2006 " the main object all is sacrificed..." Industrial Development in the Colonial West Indies Along the Sharp Edge of European Cultural Exoansion. Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA.
2005 " A Caribbean Context for the World System: A Case Study in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Economic and Social Interdependency." Conference for the Society of Post-Medieval Archaeology, Nevis West Indies.
2005 “Sugar Mines in the Caribbean: Technology, Environment and the Impact of Agro-industrialism in the Periphery.” Conference of the Society for Industrial Archaeology, Milwaukee, WI
2005 “Colonial Caribbean Landscapes: An Industrial Signature Written in Sugar” Conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology, York, England. To be presented January.
2004 "Cades Bay, Nevis, West Indies: Report on Underwater Visual Survey." Conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology, St Louis, MO.
2004 "Socioeconomic Evolution and Environmental Change: A Case Study of Capitalism from Nevis, West Indies, 1625-1833." Conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology, St Louis, MO.
2003 "The Caribbean, Capitalism and Environment: The Evolution of a Colonial Landscape, 1627-1833." Conference for the Society of American Archaeology, Milwaukee, WI.
2003 "What's More Important, the Ships or the Sugar? The Caribbean, Capitalism and Environment: The Evolution of a Colonial Landscape, 1627-1833." Conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Providence, RI.
2001 “Improving Student Academic Performance Through Archaeology: A Classroom Simulation Approach.” Annual Conference for the Society for Historical Archaeology, Long Beach, Ca.
2001 “Nevisan Sailing Lighters: Small Vessels of Caribbean Inter-Island Transport.” Conference for the Society for Historical Archaeology, Long Beach, Ca.
2001 “World Systems and the Caribbean: A Framework for the Evolution of Capitalism.” Student Symposium, Michigan State University. Sponsored by the Associated Graduate Students of Anthropology.
2000 “Material Culture of a 17th Century Entrepôt: The Evidence from Underwater Archaeology at Port Royal, Jamaica.” Anthropology Seminar at Michigan State.